The Richmond Community of Care Executive Quality Committee is determining our 2025/2026 Richmond Community of Care (CoC) quality priorities. As committed in the Terms of Reference (3.3.2), the committee is seeking input from local programs and teams across the CoC.
In the survey you are asked to share your team or program priorities, as well as your perspective on our shared CoC priorities. This information will be a contributing data source to our decision-making methodology. These priorities will guide our quality and patient safety work and will be documented in the Richmond CoC Annual Quality Report.
The Richmond Community of Care Executive Quality Committee is determining our 2025/2026 Richmond Community of Care (CoC) quality priorities. As committed in the Terms of Reference (3.3.2), the committee is seeking input from local programs and teams across the CoC.
In the survey you are asked to share your team or program priorities, as well as your perspective on our shared CoC priorities. This information will be a contributing data source to our decision-making methodology. These priorities will guide our quality and patient safety work and will be documented in the Richmond CoC Annual Quality Report.