Update on the progress of the Health Vision Sea to Sky project

In December 2023, Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) successfully completed Health Vision Sea to Sky phase one engagement. We greatly appreciated the input and insights of Sea to Sky communities. A What We Heard report from the phase one engagement is available here.

Currently, VCH is working on development of the draft clinical services plan. The plan will be informed by best practices for the delivery of health-care services, community input from the phase one engagement, and incorporate the latest data to reflect current and projected health-care needs. Development of the plan requires input and review from staff, medical staff, and health-care partners. We anticipate that VCH will begin the second phase of engagement on the draft clinical services plan in Fall 2024.

During the second phase, VCH will host virtual and in-person engagement sessions in Sea-to-Sky communities. All community members, including government, Indigenous and community partners, will be invited to learn about the draft plan, ask questions and provide input.

We thank you for your participation and interest in this project. Your input plays a vital role in shaping the future of health care for the Sea-to-Sky corridor, and we are deeply appreciative of your continued engagement and support.

If you have any questions about Health Vision Sea to Sky, please don't hesitate to contact us at healthvisionSTS@vch.ca.

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