Access & Equity Project - Staff Engagement Survey

Consultation has concluded

The goal of the Access & Equity Project is to make sure our Public Health programs and services are accessible, safe, and welcoming.

We want to hear from you to understand what’s working well for clients and families, and where we can improve in supporting their access to our services. This survey takes about 10 minutes to complete and is divided into 5 sections, aligned with the dimensions of access as shown in the diagram below.

Your responses will not be associated with you personally, but we do ask questions about your role and the community where you work to better understand local experiences. To protect your privacy, results will be anonymized and shared in aggregated format, used solely to explore how to enhance our services. Thank you for sharing your perspective and expertise!

If you have any questions about this survey, please contact Joyce Cheng,

The goal of the Access & Equity Project is to make sure our Public Health programs and services are accessible, safe, and welcoming.

We want to hear from you to understand what’s working well for clients and families, and where we can improve in supporting their access to our services. This survey takes about 10 minutes to complete and is divided into 5 sections, aligned with the dimensions of access as shown in the diagram below.

Your responses will not be associated with you personally, but we do ask questions about your role and the community where you work to better understand local experiences. To protect your privacy, results will be anonymized and shared in aggregated format, used solely to explore how to enhance our services. Thank you for sharing your perspective and expertise!

If you have any questions about this survey, please contact Joyce Cheng,

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We value your input - take just 10 minutes to help us drive positive change in our community! 

    The goal of the Access & Equity Project is to make sure our Public Health programs and services are accessible, safe, and welcoming.

    We want to hear from you to understand what’s working well for clients and families, and where we can improve in supporting their access to our services. This survey takes about 10 minutes to complete and is divided into 5 sections, aligned with the dimensions of access as shown in the diagram below.

    Your responses will not be associated with you personally, but we do ask questions about your role and the community where you work to better understand local experiences. To protect your privacy, results will be anonymized and shared in aggregated format, used solely to explore how to enhance our services. Thank you for sharing your perspective and expertise!

    If you have any questions about this survey, please contact Joyce Cheng,

    Consultation has concluded