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[English] VCH Public Health Client & Family Feedback Survey

Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) wants to hear from you and your family. We are looking for ways to make our Public Health services better and easier for everyone to use.

This survey will take about 10 minutes. We want to learn:

  • What makes it easy or hard for you to use Public Health services
  • Your ideas to improve Public Health services
  • How we can make you feel more welcome and included

Please note, Public Health services are different from hospital visits or regular doctor’s clinics. Public Health services include:

  • Vaccinations (shots to prevent illness)
  • Breastfeeding help
  • Speech and hearing support
  • Youth and sexual health clinics
  • Follow-up for infectious diseases
  • Home visits for new parents

To protect your privacy, all responses will remain confidential, anonymous, and only used to improve VCH Public Health services.

If you have questions about this survey, contact

Your feedback is important to us! Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

0% answered

About You


Where do you live? (Select one)


Do you identify with any of these communities? We are asking this question to better understand the diverse communities VCH Public Health serves. (Select all that apply)