The engagement included 20 focus groups, 20 one-on-one interviews, 143 pop-up survey responses and a general population survey with 800 responses. Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) engaged well over 1,000 people to completely redesign our website,
The key findings of this engagement have already helped inform phase one of the website changes and the website will continue to be refined in the following phases to ensure it continues to meet the needs of the communities VCH serves.
Project Background
VCH delivers health services to about 1.25 million people - nearly a quarter of B.C's population. The geographic area covered by VCH includes 12 municipalities and four regional districts in the Coastal Mountain communities, Vancouver, North Vancouver, West Vancouver, and Richmond. We recognize that our place of work and VCH facilities lie on the traditional homelands of 14 First Nations communities. There are also three Métis Chartered communities within our region.
Prior to this project, the website ( had not had a major user-experience in over a decade. Check out the newly redesigned, which will more easily connect people to the VCH places, programs, services and care they are looking for and serve as a relevant, reliable and accessible source of healthcare-related information for the communities we serve.
The engagement included 20 focus groups, 20 one-on-one interviews, 143 pop-up survey responses and a general population survey with 800 responses. Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) engaged well over 1,000 people to completely redesign our website,
The key findings of this engagement have already helped inform phase one of the website changes and the website will continue to be refined in the following phases to ensure it continues to meet the needs of the communities VCH serves.
Project Background
VCH delivers health services to about 1.25 million people - nearly a quarter of B.C's population. The geographic area covered by VCH includes 12 municipalities and four regional districts in the Coastal Mountain communities, Vancouver, North Vancouver, West Vancouver, and Richmond. We recognize that our place of work and VCH facilities lie on the traditional homelands of 14 First Nations communities. There are also three Métis Chartered communities within our region.
Prior to this project, the website ( had not had a major user-experience in over a decade. Check out the newly redesigned, which will more easily connect people to the VCH places, programs, services and care they are looking for and serve as a relevant, reliable and accessible source of healthcare-related information for the communities we serve.
I have found it difficult to find specific information or documents on the website. How will the menus and search features be inmproved?
almost 4 years ago
Thank you so much for sharing this comment. During the website development phase, the VCH website redevelopment team will be working with User Experience designers to address the site navigation issues that have been identified.
Website ( Redevelopment Project has finished this stage
Website pop-up survey and pre-engagement interviews with CEAN members
Engagement Planning
Website ( Redevelopment Project has finished this stage
Stakeholder mapping, engagement planning, selection of engagement techniques, engagement and communications plan
Active Engagement
Website ( Redevelopment Project has finished this stage
Developing promotional materials; launching, promoting and facilitating engagement; organizing and facilitating focus groups; launching Mustel Group general population survey
Draft Engagement Report / Needs Analysis
Website ( Redevelopment Project has finished this stage
The team collated all the input received and wrote an engagement 'What We Heard' report
Request for Proposals (RFP) Process
Website ( Redevelopment Project has finished this stage
Selection of the vendor for the website redesign project
Website Redesign
Website ( Redevelopment Project has finished this stage
Website redesign with selected vendor; vendor and VCH used engagement report findings to inform the redesign
Website Launch and Report-Back
Website ( Redevelopment Project has finished this stage
Launch the redesigned website and share findings with participants
VCH Digital Experience Survey
Website ( Redevelopment Project is currently at this stage
Recently significant changes were made to the website to make it easier to use - visitors' feedback will help us continue to improve the website