Feedback - Understanding anesthesia care (External Opportunity)
Consultation has concluded
A note from VCH about this engagement opportunity.
Once in awhile, our community partners ask VCH to post opportunities that may be of interest to you. Below, you will see the details of an engagement opportunity from a partner that is external to VCH. Unlike VCH engagement opportunities, you will be connecting in with a contact outside of VCH to express interest and participate in the advertised engagement opportunity.
About this project:
We are researchers and clinicians from the University of British Columbia looking for adult patients (or their caregivers) who have undergone a surgical experience within the past three years to help us provide better anesthesia care.
Anesthesiology is the care for patients before, during, and after surgeries, including issues such as pain control and treating medical problems. To make anesthesiology care better for Canadians, our team would like to come up with a list of ways to measure quality of care (i.e., metrics).
An anesthesiologist checking a monitor. (Getty Images)
The goal of this study is to get feedback from patients, caregivers, and healthcare providers from across Canada to help us come up with the most important metrics to use to measure anesthesiology care in Canada. This involves filling out a demographics survey, and three rounds of electronic anonymous voting and ranking of metrics (approximately 3 hours over 6 months, starting from November 2022). After completing the study, participants will receive an honorarium $75 in gift cards.
In particular, we are hoping to recruit:
26 patients and/or their family members/caregivers
- 26 anesthesiologists
- 9 surgeons
- 4 nurses
- 8 physicians: 2 each from internal medicine, emergency department, family practice, family practice anesthetists
- 4 health administrators or quality improvement leads
Ready to start or learn more about the survey? Follow this link:
Have questions about the study? Contact Dr. Janny Ke at